How to Spot a Legit Online Sabong Site

How to spot a legit online sabong site?

Betting on cockfights online is extremely popular and it can even potentially beat online casinos and casino games in terms of popularity. Because of this, scammers and bad actors may build scam websites to rob people or steal their personal data. Thanks to this potential threat, sabongeros will need to be careful where they register.

Characteristics of a Legit Online Sabong Site

The top online sabong sites are also usually the legit sabong platforms and there were plenty of these platforms back in the day. Some of the notable names today included the following:

  • Pitmasters
  • S888
  • WPC Online Sabong

Today, these platforms are either no longer operational or have had their names stolen by shady characters. Registering in them and depositing money may no longer be safe today so it’s advisable to look for alternative platforms.

These are what you need to look for when checking betting platforms:


E-sabong is regulated by PAGCOR and reputable platforms will typically show that they are indeed regulated. This usually comes in the form of a PAGCOR logo on the website’s footer.

Powered by Reliable Gaming Provider

Most reputable casinos and sabong sites either offer an in-house cockfighting option or offer their own and are powered by a reputable provider. Online Sabong is powered by Diamond Sabong, a well-known sabong provider found in multiple online casinos and betting sites.

Online sabong at DS88

Diamond Sabong cockfighting offers livestreams of sabong matches and uses dynamic odds instead of preset favorites and underdogs. This platform only offers Meron, Draw, and Wala bets, making It a pretty straightforward provider with little fluff.

Other platforms may have other sabong providers, including ones that specialize in video sabong to provide some variety to players. In the past, many reputable platforms offered e-sabong options in-house and everyone pretty much knew that they were legitimate since they were big names in the industry.

Offers Multiple Transaction Methods

Scam sites typically control transactions tightly by only offering an extremely limited number of transaction methods. Reputable platforms will be able to offer multiple methods, including easily accessible ones like GCash and PayMaya and other methods including bank transactions and cryptocurrency.

Online Sabong GCash deposit and withdrawal guide

Some platforms may offer a lot of transaction methods but aren’t exactly transparent about them. These may not be red flags, but they may be sketchy.

Functional Website

Many scam sites are built with no functionality in mind. Some sites may just be built to funnel players to another platform, but they should at least make it a good site by offering informational content even without any actual games in it.

WPC incoherent blogs

Some fake sites aren’t even ashamed and do nothing to pose as a legitimate platform as they present platforms created mainly by AI tools with little to no effort to improve site quality.

Little to No Redirects

Some sabong sites are built to simply funnel traffic to their main betting platform while others function as standalone websites. Most redirects aren’t legitimate but a small number are only using multiple similarly-named sites to drive traffic to their own platforms.

Keep an eye out to where a site redirects to if they do and inspect the landing page. If the landing page still looks sketchy, you’d best stay away from it.


Thanks to both the growing popularity of e-sabong and the fact that the activity has been restricted, multiple sketchy platforms have started popping out of the woodworks. Some of these platforms may be legitimate, to be fair, but a lot of them aren’t. It’s important bettors make sure that the site is reputable and some of the best ways is to look for signs that the platform is regulated, powered by legitimate providers, and have functional websites.

Register at Online Sabong Philippines to start betting on online sabong matches through DS88, our main gaming provider.

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